3 Steps to a better attitude today

Bad attitudes are everywhere. I have dealt with the bad attitudes of others and I have had moments where my attitude just sucked the life out of everyone around me. Here are 3 steps to help you change your attitude.         Understand that God has a plan and that you may not understand it. I would often tell my wife to look at quilts with unique designs. I point to one little square and say that it represents an event in our lives. When we look at that one square it makes no sense at all, but if we look at…


Why we should be good to others

These days, it’s easy to turn on the news or scroll through social media and find hate and disrespect. We are living in a time where old hatreds and hidden racism are suddenly resurfacing. The internet is a platform where ignorance and misinformation spread like wildfire. You can see folks calling each other names and isolating themselves from others who do not look the same, think the same, or have the same faith. That's where we are today and it’s not difficult to get caught up in arguing and bad behavior.  We must find it in ourselves to be good…


What are you choosing to believe

Different events that you experience in your life become evidence for the beliefs that you have about yourself. Some people choose to focus on negative events that they have experienced. Examples include; The time you failed that testThat relationship that did not work outThat job you lost When you choose to focus on negative events, they become evidence of the negative beliefs that you have. You could say that you are not smart enough, no one wants to be in a relationship with you, or that you are just not good enough to maintain a job. Instead of focusing on…


Why you should stop complaining

People love to complain. For some, it's just natural. Complaining places focus on a problem but does not offer solutions. The worst part about complaining is that some people tend to complain about the same things for years. Here is a story about a village elder and his advice about complaining.  Some villagers went to visit the village elder to complain about the same problems over and over again. One day, he got a bright idea and decided to tell them a joke. The complaining villagers roared with laughter. They thought that the village elder was the funniest guy ever! …


Why you need to lift your eyes

Being able to live and enjoy the best of God's promises requires us to have a vision. You have to be able to see beyond the pain we are experiencing today. You have to must understand that your pain has a purpose that has yet to reveal itself.  It's easy to get stuck and to play the blame game. It's easy to focus on our failures and setbacks. Sometimes things don't work out and we tend to dwell on them. Perhaps you did not get that promotion at work. Perhaps the medical report came back and it did not show…


Why we seek power

It's one of those things that’s deep inside of each of us and it comes from insecurity. We want to be free from the grips of society and power means that you can be who you are or at least who you think you want to be. I believe that each of us has a genuine desire to be authentic, but we can't because we are often concerned with the opinions of people around us. Power allows people to make reality change to fit their vision. This could be good or bad depending on what their vision is.  Money, respect,…


When its ok to quit

When I was growing up, I tried a few incredibly challenging things. I faced real adversity and I went to my mother for advice. She told me that quitting was fine and that she would love me anyway. I cherish the love that she gave me. It positively shaped me and I hold on to memories where she expressed her love. However, I did take her words to heart and I became a quitter. I started failing in school and I would just give up on anything that revealed the slightest hint of difficulty, stress, strain, or hard work.  This…


Venturing into the realm of the unknown

Sometimes our greatest advantages and opportunities are hidden in the realm of the unknown... It's natural for you to feel apprehensive about the future. It is normal to feel like the world is coming down on you when you are making a huge transition in life. We tend to cling to familiar things. Once we get started and get comfortable, we just don't want to let go. We feel fear of the unknown because we cannot anticipate the outcome.  Sometimes, staying where you are in life and doing nothing can be much riskier than doing something different. This only happens…


The storm

There is a rumor of a storm that is coming. It is going to destroy everything in its path. It is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. This force of nature is respected as the birds migrate away and other wildlife takes cover. People are evacuating and boarding up their property.  People are stocking up on batteries, non-perishable foods, and water. This storm is serious. Winds pick up and signs are waving back and forth as if they were waving. Swirls of massive dark clouds form overhead and beautiful sheets of rain start falling as ditches and storm drains…


The gift of giving

There is no question about it, giving is an important part of your walk with Christ. When I was a kid, God always provided. There were times when my little brother and I were stranded and lost on the wrong side of town. We were hungry and did not have a dime to or name. My mom had been arrested or she was searching frantically for us in some parking lot. We were hungry and a stranger would stop their car and hand us a bag of burgers. What a blessing!  Whenever we give, God gives us joy. We bless…


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